Author name: admin22

FDA Announces Availability of a Revised Final Guidance on Extrapolating Efficacy Data to Treat Partial Onset Seizures in Pediatric Patients

FDA announced the availability of a revised final guidance for industry entitled Drugs for the Treatment of Partial Onset Seizures: Extrapolation of Efficacy from Adults to Pediatric Patients 1 Month of Age and Older, replacing the 2019 final guidance which discussed extrapolation to pediatric patients 4 years of age and older. This revised final guidance …

FDA Announces Availability of a Revised Final Guidance on Extrapolating Efficacy Data to Treat Partial Onset Seizures in Pediatric Patients Read More »

Available Now: Guidance Snapshot & Podcast for Digital Health Technologies for Remote Data Acquisition in Clinical Investigations Guidance 

FDA recently added resources for the 2023 guidance, Digital Health Technologies for Remote Data Acquisition in Clinical Investigations, to its Guidance Snapshot Pilot Program.  The pilot includes a snapshot about the guidance, a recap podcast, and a podcast transcript for each of the highlighted guidances. The Guidance Snapshot program aims to increase awareness of and engagement with FDA guidance documents through visuals and plain language —and support the efficient application of their recommendations.

FDA Seeking Comments on Immunogenicity Risk of Host Cell Proteins in Follow-on Recombinant Peptide Products

FDA issued a Federal Register notice, “Evaluating the Immunogenicity Risk of Host Cell Proteins in Follow-on Recombinant Peptide Products: Establishment of a Public Docket: Request for Information and Comments.” This notice establishes a public docket seeking substantive comments from interested parties on evaluating the immunogenicity risk of host cell proteins.